Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics About Romeo and Juliet

Argumentative Essay Topics About Romeo and JulietArgumentative essay topics about Romeo and Juliet are not easy to come by. While there are numerous topics in Shakespeare's plays that are discussed in an argumentative essay, there are so many to choose from. A student has to decide which topics to use for their argumentative essay. If they are writing a brief essay or if they are writing a longer one, they should consider using different argumentative essay topics for each topic.Romeo and Juliet are the main topic for many college students. One of the most common argumentative essay topics about these two lovers is that of their differing personalities. Students often feel that this is a personal opinion but it is actually a question that are asked by Shakespeare.In the play, Romeo and Juliet both have problems with jealousy. The two lovers argue about this many times throughout the play. During this argument, many questions are raised. What is jealousy? Is it something that everyone experiences?What is jealousy to Romeo? Is it an emotion that he and Juliet share? Is it something that a person does to someone else? Or is it something that a person goes through?Do not mistake the definition of the word 'jealousy' in the play for that of a person. It is said that a jealous person will do anything he can to keep another person happy or prevent that person from achieving his goals. In an argumentative essay, it is not the situation or the idea that is at issue, but the person's emotional reaction to it. For example, when Juliet is jealous she tries to convince Romeo to get away from his mistress, but is he really free of her?This is the definition of jealousy for many people because they want to know how they should react to a friend who seems to have more of a romantic life than they do. People get into arguments about this every day and some of the arguments have hurtful feelings involved. Many people would rather avoid getting into an argument about it, but many others have no choice but to have an argument about it.The 'Romeo and Juliet' theme can be used in many arguments about many subjects. One could argue that Shakespeare wrote this piece because he had problems with his stepmother and his relationship with his father. These are the two main themes that he uses to tell his story. It can also be used to talk about how people can change and the nature of human emotions.Writing an argumentative essay that tackles these two topics does not have to be difficult. It just requires one to remember what the material is about. They may want to include historical facts and quotes that were used in the play to support their points. In order to really use the argumentative essay as a tool for learning, students should write about the major points that are discussed in the play and then add an essay topic that pertains to the question at hand.

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